The wall street journal 경제신문 헤드라인 2024년 9월 30일
Japan’s Major Manufacturers Stay Cautious Amid Global Uncertainties
Sentiment among large Japanese manufacturers held steady during the three months to September, a Bank of Japan survey showed, indicating that uncertainties over the global economy kept them cautious about their business outlook.
Sentiment: overall attitude, mood, or confidence. In economic surveys, sentiment is often measured to gauge how businesses perceive current and future market conditions, which can influence their decisions on investment and growth.
기업들이 시장 상황을 어떻게 인식하고 있는지를 평가하는데 사용되며, 그들의 결정에 영향을 미친다
three months to September: three-month period ending in September, July, August, and September. This often used in financial or economic reporting to indicate the time frame being analyzed without specifying exact start and end dates, focusing on the fact that the period culminates in a particular month.
business outlook: a company or industry’s expectations about future business conditions, including factors like sales growth, profitability, and market trends.
Australia’s Retail Sales Jumped in August
Australian retail sales were much stronger than expected in August as the impact of income-tax cuts in July fed through to spending, while unusually warm weather lifted clothing and cafe sales.
income-tax 소득세 인하가 소비에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤고, 따뜻한 날씨 덕분에 의류와 카페 매출이 증가했다
Fed’s Powell Says Rate Cuts Can Sustain Soft Landing, but Sees No Need to Rush
Lower Interest Rates Don’t Guarantee a Soft Landing
Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said the economy was in solid shape. “We intend to use our tools to keep it there,” he added.
soft landing: a situation where the economy slows down just enough to curb inflation without falling into a recession. In other words, it’s an attempt to balance growth with inflation control, preventing a sharp economic downturn.
soft landing이란 경제가 과열된 상태에서 침체로 가지 않고 성장률을 천천히 낮추며 안정적으로 가는 상황을 의미합니다. 금리인하가 경기 부양책 중 하나이지만, 경제 성장을 유지하는데 항상 성공적인 결과를 보장하지는 않음을 말합니다.
German Inflation Falls Further Below ECB Target
German inflation declined further below the European Central Bank’s 2% target in September, further raising the pressure for a consecutive interest-rate cut at the bank’s next meeting in October.
독일의 9월 물가 상승률이 ECB의 2% 목표보다 낮아졌습니다. 이는, 다음 회의때 금리를 연속적으로 인하할 압력이 증가하고 있음을 시사합니다. 물가상승률이 낮다는 것은 일반적으로 긍정적인 신호로 간주되지만, 지나치게 낮은 인플레이션의 경우 경제 성장 둔화와 관련이 있을수 있기에, 이는 ECB의 금리인하를 고려하게 만들 수 있습니다. ECB의 목표는 인플레이션 수치를 2%로 유지하는 것입니다.